Battle of Tides Eliminating All Future Regrets



There are times in our lives that are wondrous and times of disappointment. That life is like a battle of tides, highs and lows. It is only when we start to acknowledge the discomfort, do we then become sea sick.

When times get me down, I always reflect on the teaching of free will. See our creator has blessed us all with this divine gift of free will. A gift for us all to choose and act upon any circumstance without distrains, and only truly questionable by us.

That you and I have both received this divine gift, all for our own use and judgement. Second to none, and nobody else in this world has the right to question it!

However there are times in our lives that creep up on us to flip the blanket of comfort from beneath our feet, causing us to fall head first. Usually a time of emotional confession and an overdrive of thought patterns. A time we are left questioning ourselves and the individuals we are, due to a false or over annualized representation, and perception from external eyes.

We are left believing the harsh words and rationalized content expressed about us, during a highly confusing and negatively fuelled situation we are dealt with from the outside world. A false and bias belief that affects us on an emotional level, amplifying the leverage of negative emotions, manipulating our state and then justifying its truth via the bombardons of energy we attach to these false belief systems.

We all have those individuals that we have emotionally connected ourselves to and interpreted them as our own. Those we consistently revolve our lives around, to the point we have infused them within our own personal journeys. Which is not a bad thing as such, but a lot of times we can become delusional and create a false perception of the circumstances and feelings at hand. Even though we consciously know that these certain individual serve us no good, we continue to manipulate these false beliefs and only take the good out of it, Ignoring the negativity even when the scales have tipped 10 to 1.

I have many individuals that written into me expressing their heartache towards loved ones distancing away, to only leave us with such a regret and false beliefs, that we are the solitary cause of their own personal dilemmas.

This is where this teaching of free will is so powerful to understand. See when these significant individuals make the decision to distance themselves, they actively choose to do it for themselves. They have made a conscious decision, not to invest anymore of their time within trying to amend and secure the relationships at hand. This is something we do not have the right to control nor change. This is their free will in action.

But to remember, that we must always express ourselves and put our hearts on the line, is all that we can do within these moments. To know that the choice is there for them to consider and make, Nice and Clear. It’s simply out of our hands.

See, for one to truly express their internal feelings, to the point that they are satisfied with their efforts, sets us free and enables us to let go of the burning coal of regret and anger that will be hold deep within us. We must stay true to ourselves.

A teaching I have incorporated, throughout my path in life and that truly holds a special meaning to me, as I hope that all the amazing individuals who are reading can also find its significance within it, is;

Don’t waste your time explaining yourself to others, because at the end of the day, you are the only one left explaining yourself to YOU!

Express yourself, within the situation, but do not go on explaining yourself for your actions as you are the only one at fault, and the one left to pick up the pieces.

Understand that we all play apart in a partnership, this is why communication is so important. But it always takes two individuals, to make it work, Not just one.

See when we embrace this saying, we can really eliminate all future regrets “I could have done this or I could have said that” See a regret is only created when we are not satisfied with our efforts.

Let me repeat this again, Regret Is Only Created When One Is Not Satisfied With Their Efforts.

To know we could have done or said more, will leave us explaining the situation and our action to no one but ourselves in time to come. Remember to express yourself fully, and you will be sure to release the burden of any future regrets.

Acknowledge that living unhappily and continue to do so, is not always healthy for us. Like a disease it will continue to consume us the more we hold onto it.

Keep in mind that, to try and change a person or their decision based on your own personal judgement, is an act of selfishness. Would we like it if somebody took our free will away from us and imprisoned us in a world of control! To think we are here, not for our own preference but for the sorrow of another, is not right and it will eventually take its toll on us in the future.

We are all great, we can do anything we set our minds to, that our life is a magical gift and we shouldn’t waste a minute of it in denial nor regret. After all our time on this earth is not forever, Hence why we should embrace each and every moment of it. 

That the more we focus on the problems, the more we will start to see flaws, even if they are not there.

As humans, we tend to look for the missing pieces in others, not understanding that we have to find them within ourselves. That people only guide us to the place where we can discover it from within, not the other way around.

It is only natural we reflect the cause of such a situation on us, when really everyone lives there own experiences from within their own beliefs.

Don’t corrupt your self-image from others infected thoughts or interpretation of you. They do not have that right, yet don’t hold the power to do so.

We don’t have to dilute our own self morals for other because they are misled or have a limited understanding. We keep our stance and keep the posture of goodness within us.

Know that you create your own love within yourself. We are all truly amazing people and we all obtain that special spark of uniqueness deep within.

If someone is an honest friend or holds a significance to us, they will always be back. This is not our burden to keep, it is a burning coal that they must learn to release.

So remember to always express yourself and your intentions, This is important.

To always show others how we feel. But most importantly, do not lose sight of the fact that if we consistently keep on persuade someone to forgive us, is not the honest approach either. It is something they should feel and understand the value within. That’s how we can filter the true honest individuals within our lives, and let the others fly free. We could have 100 friends, but remember the ones that come back are the golden eggs worth hatching.

We all deserve the best in our existence because were all amazing. I wish you a world of happiness and love.

Please feel free to leave your comments.

Until next time, Take care.

26 thoughts on “Battle of Tides Eliminating All Future Regrets

      1. You are so welcome. I’m working on not bringing my past into my future. It’s been hard at times, but it’s so nice to read encouraging words from others like yourself. Thanks again. I’m more than happy to lend my support for such uplifting words.

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  1. Don’t waste your time explaining yourself to others, because at the end of the day, you are the only one left explaining yourself to YOU! – This is so true for me. Very wise thoughts.

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  2. J > Oddly enough, the point about not explaining oneself is something I’ve been thinking about of late. It’s a principle I sort of discovered myself a good few years ago, but sort of forgot about again as I got into a position of feeling inadequate and out-of-place in relation to those about me, and that I needed to justify myself all the time. So your post is very timely, as it helps me at a time when I’m re-evaluating who I am, what I can do with life, and what I can’t be expected to be or do.

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    1. Thats great to hear, we all take these self jouneys throughout our lives, and its always amazing to hear everyone elses journeys, it provides us with the support and gentle reminders that we are on the right path, i am so glad to hear you enjoyed my post 🙂 i wish you all the best ❤❤

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