Fight Or Flight -The Illusion OF Anxiety

flight or flight

Throughout history millions have undertaken their own personal endeavors of self-realization, and even after three million years of existence the human makeup is something that still remains a complete mystery.

This phenomenon of self-discovery has taken form in many trails from personal journeys, religion to science and philosophy. And still, we haven’t even started to scratch the surface of understanding. If we only knew what powers we actually possessed, and how to properly use them, one could only imagine Endless opportunities that are instantly presented.

The Human race possesses the world most elite technologies and systems within its creation. It has been witnessed throughout evolution, that the human race continuously becomes more aware and advanced. Adapting and cultivating such innovation to suit an ever changing world, with the exact same resources our ancestors had. We already possess everything we need, within!

Ancient scriptures throughout the world describe of the enlightenment many have experienced. The possibilities and the flaws it can bring, due to an abundant or limited understanding. But like all divine understandings and power, when in the wrong hands of knowing, can be catastrophic far beyond measure! Let’s face it, it’s not like we were given an instruction manual on how to be human!

Many individuals have expressed their struggles towards anxiety to me, seeking advice and guidance towards the matter. Anxiety affects 1 in 13 humans worldwide. It is a common experience, so please do not feel as if you are any different because of it. I personally believe that anxiety is created due to a limiting understanding of our internal functions and human instincts.

See all humans are created with a default state of survival. A default state that is naturally programed within us upon birth. This is not learnt, this is our creation! Without thought, we are born too subconsciously see, breathe, and have our hearts beat. Our body’s respond subconsciously to all we need and all that is required to survive.

We are programed with subconscious reminders of discomfort that remind us to take action. When we experience a feeling of hunger, we know we need food. When we experience thirst, we know we are dehydrated and when we become tired, we know we need sleep and rest etc. As for anxiety, we experience a discomfort, reminding us there is a misalignment somewhere within.

Humans are the complete package, with no flaws. The human race is so unique that it can even self-heal itself. When one get cut or weakens a muscle, our bodies subconsciously heal themselves. This is how advance we all are, mind-blowing right! However with so many elements and internal systems, it is easy to see how one can become confused and even mislead.

We tend to change our entire understanding and practices so easily, via mere misunderstandings! A minor disconnect can send our worlds down a spiral of confusion and misalignment. A minor disconnect from our default state that is!

Anxiety is a great example, generalized by a limited understanding and association to the human survival system – The fight or flight response.

The fight or flight response is a part of our survival system, our human instincts. A default state within our makeup. This magnificent system, is here to support us in a time of danger.

The fight or flight response is activated subconsciously, when we are exposed to a life threatening situation, or when our lives are in danger. When this response is activated, the brain sends out an SOS message. Which activates our sympathetic nervous system (The stress system) and releases a range of hormones and neurochemicals, adrenaline being one of them. The body simply goes into survival mode.

The body actively resynchronizes the amount of energy being displaced to other systems within our bodies that may not be of assistance in a time of threat. It disengages many systems that won’t be required on a short term basis, such as the digestion system and redirects the energy towards more promising survival systems, such as increasing the amount of blood flow being transited throughout our body’s and muscles. This is all to get us ready to either fight or flight (Flee)

Our bodies are made to survive. All our natural internal systems and elements are made to support our survival, not to sabotage it!

I like to understand the fight or flight response in a simpler and less scientific way. I feel that the fight or flight response is engaged, due an unexpected surge of energy trying to be processed all at once. An unexpected shock to the body, via an event that was not intended. This then causes our brain to go into an overdrive, which causes us to overheat. Hence why our hearts start to rise, palm sweat and all that fun stuff. That when we experience an intense and unexpected situation, it causes an overload of emotions and thoughts to be processed at the same time. And before you can think of a solution to decipher the situation, we go into a panic mode. It’s basically a surge of power getting sent to the brain, and because it cannot process it all at once it reverts such a response. A response of survival, to fight or flee the situation.

However with that said, the fight or flight response can be activated prematurely. We can short circuit this response, by an over load of negative thoughts and intense emotions. A false belief that is reinforced internally, having us believe it is real. Generally when we make false assumptions to believe our lives are in danger. “Huston we have a problem, Mayday, Mayday initiate the Fight or Flight!”

There is so much energy trying to be processed at one time, that our circuit gives up and crash. We become so invested within the feelings of fear and future projection, which cause us to hone in on all those negative feelings, to further reinforce this illusion of pain and imprisonment.

We continue to focus on all the elements of discomfort within us such as; loss of breathe, overdrive of adrenaline, constriction in the throat region, etc. And because we focus on it so intensely, we feel the full affects even if there not present.  We self-manifest these feelings within to subconsciously activate its responses.  

We tend to stop exercising, distance ourselves from loved ones, subconsciously tense the body, avoid sleeping and even stop eating. All these elements then start to take a spiraling effect.

We focus so much on the effects, we lose sight of the cause. And many of us start to adjust our lives in fear of the next episode, further reinforcing its truth. However when we obsess over the affects, instead of the cause, we are just adding to this viscous cycle, that all revert their own negative reactions!

Let’s break a range symptom down and see the underlying causes, and how they are all interweaved together!

Firstly it is important to always remember that all commands are initiated through the brain, and influenced by thought. Initially, one becomes influenced by a train of negative thoughts and amplified emotions attached towards them. Generally via a horrible experience that reverted the fight or flight response previously. We short circuit a response in the brain.

We attach many senses towards the negative thoughts, and divert all our focus towards our discomfort until the feelings become present. Now the slightest feeling, is amplified due to our intense focus.

This fear spirals our hearts to beat, and our adrenaline to activate. Now we have an intense feeling we are trying to decipher within our minds. We start to take short gasps of air, adding to the discomfort, caused by our internal fear and now our bodies are in overdrive.

Further, as we are not eating correctly, the body try’s to scavenge all the excess energy remaining within this deficiency we have caused, in order to deal with this disconnect. However our bodies are so tired due to a lack of sleep, and all the previous energy we have invested in worrying and tensing our bodies throughout the day, which it goes into a state of shock and panic, activating such a response. Well done, you have now manipulated your brain in believing you are in a life threatening situation.

See when one stops eating, due to a false belief of chocking, they are causing a deficiency of nutrients and energy throughout the body. And without food, how the body is expected to function properly and feel healthy. Further add a lack of sleep and weary muscles caused from an ongoing internal strain to the muscles. And as if that wasn’t enough, continue to add the discomfort of feeling tired and worn down caused from a lack of sleep. See how the body is now feeding from a feast of negativity and fear, to activate the fight or flight!

It is most important to understand that our internal make-up is made for survival. For one to regain control and focus of their thoughts and emotion is the key. Our internal system will do the rest, to self-heal itself. Remember that all commands are initiated through the brain and influenced upon your thoughts and emotions.

For one to list the process and understand the steps that are initiated and influenced is crucial, it will set you free.

A very common teaching to relieve anxiety, is for one to become present and pay attention to their breathing. As our bodies are processing so many thoughts and emotions at once, it causes our whole system is running in overdrive, we need to bring it down to optimum working level, and redirect our focus onto something else. The rest will take care of itself. Understand that we are in no harm, and that it’s caused by a daydream of false beliefs. Do not invest within the feelings, instead focus on the cause to understand its illusion.

I have come to find, that the easiest way to escape from the illusion of anxiety, is to realign ones focus.

Focus is the kryptonite, to anxiety!

That our current environment and situations shape us, we become all that we are exposed to. Hence why when one feels as though their living within a hell, the only reassurance they are receiving from the world is negative. Understand that your entire focus is on this misalignment, so we must refocus our energy on our hearts desires and positivity.

If that is falling in love, deciding to move into foreign territories, getting a new job, etc. Find something you love to do or start something new that will take your focus away from the darkness and into the light.

When we redirect our focus to a situation that will impact us and offered more of an emotional and physical impact toward that we are currently focusing on. It will dilute the effect of anxiety. See if I put you in a plane and made you skydive, your entire focus will be in the experience of free falling, it is a completely new experience. It impacts you on a direct emotional level yet physical level, and as we know that which affects us and uses more senses is where our focus goes. And if you focus on positivity, that is what will grow.

Don’t give value to the false beliefs that you are different or ill, believe that your body will self-heal itself as it was created to do. Surrender to the thoughts and false beliefs and know that they cannot harm you. As one dreams to wake up safe and normal, once we realize we are living in a self-manifested day dream, we too will wake up safe and normal.

I hope I have given you more insight towards this topic, and thank you all for reaching out. Please feel free to leave your comments, Stay safe and always well.

Until Next Time, Take Care.




47 thoughts on “Fight Or Flight -The Illusion OF Anxiety

  1. Hi–nice blog! I have also been meaning to write about the other “automatic” survival tendency we have as humans–the feminist researchers named it “Tend and Befriend.” It has to do with our tendencies to affiliate and seek to be of help, as well as seek to be of comfort, in times of threat. Fight or flight might work out well for the swift footed or burly folk, but tend and befriend is a time-tested, much more compassionate response….So….if we feel self-generated anxiety, we can also seek out healthy social contact :). Revolutionary, huh?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you :), Yes Tend and Befriend is another amazing quality we possess 🙂 i would love to read your post once it has been completed 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and i really hope you have enjoyed my post.


    1. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles Rayne, always remember that this discomfort has come to pass, i feel when one experiences a long turn life change that affects one in a mental yet physical way, it helps to redirect ones focus an the habbit of discomfort tends to slowly be forgotten 🙂 i hope your journey is blessed and passess soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A good way to retain mental strength and balance is to simply walk away from nasty things and bad relationships. It is good to keep our mind intact by not engaging in every upsetting discussion. Anxiety can be caused by chemicals in our food and medications, as well, so we have to choose smartly even in case of a severe illness. I saw once the medical supplies one lady used for her treatment: it was more than any medicine cabinet can take. Well, all chemicals interact, and too many synthetic things certainly won’t allow the brain to relax and renew itself. Being in peace with oneself is extremely important. I am always advising people to simplify their lives: simplify, and that will result in less stress, fears and anxieties. It is great if we can stay in touch with nature and good things: good reads, good art and music.
    Thanks from

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, your insights are much appriciated and profound:D this is very true, we are connected to everything and feed off all the energy we consume and are exposed too! beautifully put together 🙂 Thank you again


  3. This is exactly what I was looking for! This makes so much sense. If you focus on the negative you react to the negative. Your mind controls your body, whatever you spend the most time thinking about, that’s what will come to be. You have literally saved my life

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure 😀 you are exactly right, our mind is the control panel that commands our daily actions. when we chose to focus on all that is good,we too live a life of positivity and ease. Thank you so much for your insights ❤❤❤ i am so glad you enjoyed 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I did. 🙂 This week I got another episode of my dear friend anxiety, so this kind od helped me to see it in a different way.:) It always hits when I’m exhausted, and then I kind of help it with not eating etc. Your words are wise and precious.:)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. it is very common to have anxiety creep up on us, when our bodys are worn and tired, i am so glad i could help 😀 ❤❤❤ thank you for sharing your insights 🙂 i wish you all the strength and happiness

        Liked by 1 person

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