Behind the eyes of the applauded – Don’t let it catch you by Surprise!


Life seems more complex now than ever, don’t you think!

Why is it that we still feel so isolated in a time that the world is so advanced, we tend to shy away from the world ever so often. Taking shelter in our rooms just to over submerge ourselves with work, to make the days seem effortless and inexistent. It seems that any free time we are granted is wasted by escaping reality to stare at a square on the wall. Even when we are presented the opportunity to go out to social events, we tend to sit down and give our full attention towards our cell phones for the entire sitting! Living a so called virtual reality opposed to enjoying each and every moment in the company of our loved ones.

Did we simply just miss the mark on this one or have we just adapted so well towards a continuous routine of emotionless happiness. We have so many choices now than ever before, that we tend to become self-hypnotized and continually agonize ourselves over analyzing everything, instead of accepting what we have and being grateful for it!

Our children go to school, just to notice that other children have better things than they do, as a result they learn jealousy, “why do they have that and we don’t”. Others start participating in the art of approval seeking and egotistic behaviors. Bullying others trying to supplement a false sense of superiority and acceptance. Measuring up to a social norm that is consistently being fed to them via a negatively influenced misconception of empowerment. We pay less attention to our families and children, caught up in the rat race we call society. Living up to false standards of happiness and achieving wealth. We become so focused and develop a so called tunnel vision towards achieving our goals, that we lose sight on the basic necessities of life… Love.

We tend to complain when our children start their mischief behavior. Mixing with wrong crowds as a direct result of our negligence, a desperate cry for help in hope to acquire our attention and approval. We continue to expose the world of illusion onto them, being the television or social media in hope that it will keep them occupied until we complete our days’ work, which never seems to end. They learn directly from this world of illusion, accepting all the negative behaviors exposed towards them tailored for entertainment, opposed to real life lessons and experiences. And who can blame them, how are they to know the difference!

Instead of us embracing our children, to teach them lessons of the past, right from wrong, have them contribute to the household and work together. We substitute our ever so limited schedules and leave it up to the world of entertainment to mold their minds and life lessons that will carry them throughout their entire lives! A crucial learning cycle we have all gone through!

Our marriages start to fall apart, due to a lack of communication, affection and quality time. Have we really forgotten to communicate, or have we just chosen the easiest route of escape in this exact moment of time.

We continue to hold on to all the little things and let them build up, simply because it would take too much time explaining, not to mention the predicament we would be left dealing with. But Little by little they fill to the brim, until we cannot contain them no more. And like a disease it starts to spreads and infects our perception on the other person. We forget to show our gratitude towards our significant others, and express how we truly feel towards them. We become so distant and cold towards emotions, believing that they are nothing more than a liability and serve no purpose within the world we are now living in. Eventually we adapt a “me against the world” attitude, which will eventually leave us lonely and questioning our ways in time to come!  Always leaving the important things till tomorrow, forgetting that tomorrow never comes. However in time these egotistic behaviors eventually take the throne of our perception that mold our realities and suppress any behaviors that threaten its position.

We revert to our cell phones for a quick dopamine fix, with any spare time we get. Just to escape from reality, but even that world is over rated. Children seeking acceptance and validation through social media platforms, continuously checking for likes and followers trying to fit into a world that has been off the rails from the very beginning. No wonder depression has inclined dramatically over the past decade! We have all become addicted, slaves of our egos.

Our children take favor towards idols presented on the screen, and story lines that has been written entitled to trigger certain emotions that leaves us intrigued and wanting more. That we choose to accept this over annualized plot as real life, and learn these so called “life lessons” from the screen of illusion until we subconsciously reinforce the truth, and as a result those are the emotions we feed off!

We shy away from the world, when it becomes too hard and confusing, escaping reality in hope that it will all be forgotten. However in time, this will just reinforce the satisfaction of running away in a time of need. What lessons are we teaching the young, we must never forget, that we are the role models of the future!

We have been submerged within this reality of social validation from the second we are born, and many of us fear to question the norm, as we may be criticized over it! We as humans fall victim ever so often to what is expected of us, but can I ask, what is normal?

That normal is a common belief a specific social circle share, it reinforces your connection towards the pack! Many of us don’t even question the behaviors we adapt on a social network. That we suppress our statements and leave our voices un heard, in fear that we will be criticized or labelled weird or even delusional. But are you the one that is delusional or is it the society we are living in! That what is normal to you is not what is normal for me, and it is extremely visible throughout world cultures and traditions.

What we must remember is, what are the reasons that are driving us to achieve our greatness within the first place? Is it to provide a better future for your family, or to be financially independent? Is it for love and acceptance, or is it for happiness! We should always revisit our motivations and justify our commitments. Some of us are too so focused on achieving our goals that we tend to make the very thing we wanted to strengthen worse. It is always a good reminder to revisit our initial motives and make sure we are still on track, that it is so easy to lose sight of them.

A practice that serves me wonders is to keep a reminder close by, if it’s a picture of your family on your desk at work to remind you that you may be working too much. It will serve as a gentle reminder that it may be time to go home and spend some quality time with the family that is well over due. If your goal is it to be financially free then it may serve you wonders to spend a weekend treating yourself to an enjoyable experience. It may just reinforce a stronger desire of motivation within you, and further remind you why you are doing all this in the first place.

Also make sure you keeping on track with your health, ever so often, life becomes so hectic, we forget about ourselves. Because at the end of the day, what are all the riches in the world worth, if we can’t enjoy them!

Make sure to spend your time wisely and in the company of the people that matter the most, doing the things you love. Because after all life is not forever, hence why we should make the most of it every single moment we have! It’s a privilege to live let’s all embrace our gift, one moment at a time.

That life is amazing, but don’t let it catch you by surprise at the finish line.

Please feel free to leave your comment, I wish you all a wonderful day.

Until next time, Take Care for Now!






38 thoughts on “Behind the eyes of the applauded – Don’t let it catch you by Surprise!

  1. It’s a great post that reveals the truth of our days. We’ve gone too far to return to “good old days” methinks…Enjoyed reading it, thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear friend,

    Thanks for sharing your lovely words. I fully agree with you. We should make a better use of our time. It like being in carusell the more we have leasure time the more we fill it with wasteless thing, the faster the carusell bringing us in stress and disharmony.

    Thank you, dear friend 🙂

    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It seems to me that it requires a shock or fracture of the ego, that forces most to reflect and take stock of what is of real value. Ancient wisdom and traditional ideas are profoundly appropriate these days. One must find value in paying attention, as opposed to heading over the cliff with the herd. This sort of information is passed by for the latest distraction provided by, what I like to refer to as “choose your side news” Sad but true 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think our inability to be fully present heart to heart with each other is one of the core wounds of modern living. I could not make it through my day without time in nature and at the dog park connecting with others in a state of just being present. I try too now to have some time just sitting with myself and listening in as the modern illness is all about distraction, as I see it. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your insights:D sounds like you have an amazing routine, i agree it is so imoortant to connect with nature and practice the art of presence ever so ofter and appriciate life within all its beauty 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fantastic post. WE make it our mission to make life, our life, so complex. All I tell myself is, “Manuel, you are what you think you are, what you think on a daily basis is what you are or what you will become.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is so true my friend, the one that is what he beleives he is, thats how he will face this world of ours and what the world will give back to him. I love your insights thank you so much for sharing:)

      Liked by 1 person

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